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Email is the foundation of modern business communication. HubSpot reports 4 billion global email users, growing annually, with 91% checking email daily. However, email users face security challenges. Protect your business and bottom line from worst-case scenarios. Learn about email security best practices to safeguard your data.
Email is one of the easiest ways to reach the right people at the right time with the right message. Through this medium, businesses have complete control over who they’re talking to, and how; and when used optimally, email has the power to turn prospective buyers into loyal, long-standing customers.
Email is one of the most trusted forms of communication, offering the highest return-on-investment (ROI), averaging about $36 in return for every $1 spent. Email also brings many meaningful benefits to the businesses that use it: it’s cost effective and efficient; the messaging can be flexible in terms of the content shared and objectives driven; it gives businesses scalability and real-time potential, while providing real, measurable results through the tracking of key data such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
While the benefits of email for business communications and marketing are many, there remain fundamental security flaws due to the way email systems have been built and designed, which has resulted in it being both a target and a tool for cybercriminals that seek to distribute malware, spam, and scams.
As email use in businesses across the globe increases, and as the sophistication of email attacks grows, it’s important to have an understanding of the various forms email security threats take, to be better prepared to recognize and prevent them:
While it’s good to have a general awareness of the different types of attack, there are a few things that can help users recognize email threats, hopefully reducing some of the risk that email communication brings:
Businesses all over the world are realizing that cyber risk isn’t just an IT issue – it’s a critical business vulnerability. As the business world evolves, the intersections between email, people, and information, carries increasing levels of risk with cybercriminals attempting to exploit every avenue, and becoming more and more sophisticated at doing so.
Here are five of the key best practices for email security that can help businesses and people stay ahead of email security threats, minimizing potential damage:
Apart from the reputational damage, and compromised trust with customers, suppliers, and clients, experts believe that cybercrime is set to cost the world $8 trillion annually in 2023.
The reality is every business in every industry is at risk from email fraudsters. In order to know exactly what to do to increase protection against these threats, it’s important to understand your level of risk of exposure to fraudulent email activities. We’ve developed a free tool to help you identify how secure your domain is. Try it here.
Now, more than ever, it’s important for brands to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools to protect their businesses, and those they do business with, from email-related security threats. To find out more about how Sendmarc and our partners can help do this, contact us today. Or, visit our services page for more information on how we can help secure your email communication.
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