Use DMARC to protect your brand identity and stop impersonators in their tracks 

Impersonation attacks targeting brands continue to increase in numbers and sophistication, with phishing attacks growing 150% per year since 2019.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is the global best practice for email authentication your business can rely on to ensure that cybercriminals can’t impersonate you.  

Experience a powerful DMARC management platform

Our purpose-built, feature-rich DMARC platform assists with the implementation and management process and provides continuous monitoring to ensure the strongest DMARC compliance for your domain at all times.

A Dashboard Displaying Various Data Types, Including Charts, Graphs, And Metrics

Its features include:

Manual vs Automated DMARC 
Which is better? 

DIYing DMARC is risky as it can cause issues that often result in unintentionally blocked legitimate emails. The need for ongoing management and adjustments also requires technical expertise and time.  Let’s compare the requirements and outcomes of each: 


Automated with Sendmarc

12+ Months
Manual setup & implementation require extensive time & effort

Time to enforcement & protection

Less than 90 days
The Sendmarc team gets your domain DMARC compliant & protected as fast as possible

Incorrect configuration & misidentification of sending sources could lead to unintentionally blocked legitimate emails or delivery of fraudulent email

Chances of successful implementation

Every legitimate sender is correctly configured & DMARC compliant, maximizing email delivery

Manual & time-consuming
Reports from various email service providers are delivered as raw XML files, requiring decoding

DMARC reporting

Reporting data in a summarized & explained format, in one place, on the Sendmarc platform

Resources dedicated to sender identification & configuration with potential of lost revenue due to interrupted email flows. Dedicated resource needed to monitor & manage

Implementation effort

Implement & manage DMARC on Sendmarc’s user-friendly platform with expert support as needed

Time to enforcement & protection

Manual without Sendmarc

12+ Months

Manual setup & implementation require extensive time & effort

Automated with Sendmarc

Less than 90 days

Manual setup & implementation require extensive time & effort

Chances of successful implementation

Manual without Sendmarc


Incorrect configuration & misidentification of sending sources could lead to unintentionally blocked legitimate emails or delivery of fraudulent email

Automated with Sendmarc


Every legitimate sender is correctly configured & DMARC compliant, maximizing email delivery

DMARC reporting

Manual without Sendmarc

Manual & time-consuming

Reports from various email service providers are delivered as raw XML files, requiring decoding

Automated with Sendmarc


Reporting data in a summarized & explained format, in one place, on the Sendmarc platform

Implementation effort

Manual without Sendmarc


Resources dedicated to sender identification & configuration with potential of lost revenue due to interrupted email flows. Dedicated resource needed to monitor & manage

Automated with Sendmarc


Implement & manage DMARC on Sendmarc’s user-friendly platform with expert support as needed

Want to know more? Download the infographic for a full comparison. 

Is your brand name safe from email scammers?

Find out in one click. 

Sendmarc’s unique algorithm will rate your organization’s exposure to fraudulent email activities like phishing, spoofing, and impersonation as well as the risk your current domain poses to the cybersecurity of your organization. All it takes is a single click. 

If you’re at risk of impersonation, one of our experts will be in touch to assist.

Sendmarc works alongside all existing services and applications  

Our DMARC platform integrates with your existing email vendors, security services, and applications for seamless implementation and uninterrupted business operations.  

Laptop With Cyber Security Screen And Sendmarc Logo

About Sendmarc: Protection from email impersonation

Sendmarc offers a platform that helps organizations of all sizes achieve DMARC compliance quickly, ensuring complete email security by easily assessing and monitoring data from multiple email service providers.


We assist businesses in securing against impersonation and spoofing, while allowing legitimate email services to operate uninterrupted. Sendmarc’s platform minimizes false positives and provides peace of mind to companies about the security of their domain.

Sendmarc: A DMARC management platform trusted by thousands of brands 

Book a demo to see Sendmarc in action.