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What is DMARC and how can it protect you?

DMARC is a technology protocol that verifies the source of an email & makes sure that only real emails ever reach an inbox.
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An Unprecedented Phishing Pandemic

Whether you’re an SME or a large multinational company, the risks of being victim to a phishing attack have never been higher, as criminals – and technology – become more sophisticated.
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Why do we need DMARC?

Many businesses don’t realise that there are technical solutions such as DMARC that can prevent fraudulent emails being sent.
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I already have an anti-spam service – do I need DMARC?

If you use any of the major email providers, chances are you also have in place an anti-spam tool in place – such as Office 365 Exchange.
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Preventing phishing emails: Are we missing the point?

The concept of email phishing Fraudulent emails sent by someone pretending to be legitimate in order to trick you into divulging personal details.
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Changing user behaviour to prevent phishing attacks

Many businesses don’t realise that there are technical solutions such as DMARC that can prevent fraudulent emails being sent.